mai's space
hi i'm mai!
i'm a second year cs major at northeastern with math minor. i'm interested in software design and architecture!
my projects
i like discovering new technologies and learning about software design and architecture through building products collaboratively and independently
More details about Student Activity Calendar would go here.
More details about Student Activity Calendar would go here.
my experience
Generate Product Development
Software Engineer
• Incorporated AWS S3 into management of user's image endpoint
• Incorporated OpenAI API to create vector embedding's for natural language search
• Implemented home page, event page and profile page
Generate Product Development
Software Engineer
• Incorporated AWS S3 into management of user's image endpoint
• Incorporated OpenAI API to create vector embedding's for natural language search
• Implemented home page, event page and profile page
Generate Product Development
Software Engineer
• Incorporated AWS S3 into management of user's image endpoint
• Incorporated OpenAI API to create vector embedding's for natural language search
• Implemented home page, event page and profile page
Made with ❤️ by Mai. 2024 All Rights Reserved.